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Do the best with your customer relationships with Sycor and IQVIA

Sycor - Your partner for IQVIA

With the "Orchestrated Customer Engagement" (OCE) software product suite, IQVIA offers all companies in the life sciences sector an industry-specific CRM system. Sycor is a certified partner of IQVIA and supports customers in all phases of their CRM project: Our experts provide independent advice from the very beginning, analyze and harmonize processes, manage implementation, implement multilingual training and change management measures, and ensure smooth operation if required. Benefit from our comprehensive industry expertise, our years of CRM experience and the know-how of our IQVIA consultants. 

Sycor and IQVIA establish partnership

Sycor is a certified System Integrator Partner and is expanding its services for customers in the life sciences sector on this basis

Overview of our IQVIA OCE services

IQVIA OCE consulting

As a certified Advisory & System Integration Partner of IQVIA we can offer you a comprehensive consulting service: We support you in the conception and planning of your project as well as in the analysis and adaptation of your processes. In doing so, we consistently focus on your requirements and your corporate strategy. We manage the implementation and accompany it with individually designed change management activities. In this way, the system changeover is seamless and is supported by the users.

IQVIA OCE Consulting
IQVIA OCE Application Support

IQVIA OCE application support

Together, we develop a suitable CRM operations concept. We take care of the continuous operation of your IQVIA solution as well as the further development and processing of service requests and incidents. For this purpose, you will have a service manager at your disposal who knows the life science industry and the OCE product suite very well. Our experts take care of software adaptations, data management, integration with other applications and other tasks that arise during operation. 

IQVIA OCE training

We work with modern training methods and adapt them individually to the target group. We find the right mix of face-to-face and virtual training as well as group and individual training and combine them with suitable e-learning formats, such as tutorials, screencasts or how-to videos. We train your end users and software managers ("train-the-trainer") and make each individual user fit for everyday use of the IQVIA solution - internationally and multilingually. For your new employees, we develop suitable concepts to train the correct and effective use of IQVAI OCE as part of the onboarding process.

IQVIA OCE Training
IQVIA OCE Service Desk

IQVIA OCE service desk

No matter what questions arise when using IQVIA OCE: With our service desk team, users have reliable help available to them. If desired, we can take over 1st level support for your CRM application and thus relieve your administrators and IT managers. In doing so, we work in accordance with ITIL standards, so that our customers can rely on all tickets and requests - from simple password resets to questions about synchronization or mobile access - being professionally processed, resolved and, if necessary, forwarded to other service levels.

IQVIA experts

What sets us apart from other service providers

  • Many years of experience in the life sciences industry and extensive practical project experience
  • Subject matter expertise around CRM processes
  • Experience from international projects, including the implementation of country-specific requirements and multilingual training and support services
  • Certified Advisory & System Integration Partner of IQVIA
  • Experts and service managers with comprehensive OCE know-how
  • Personal consulting and holistic approach - consulting, training, operation and support from a single source

Frequently asked questions about IQVIA OCE

What is IQVIA OCE?

OCE stands for 'Orchestrated Customer Engagement' and is a suite of solutions for the life sciences industry. At its core is OCE-Personal, IQVIA's CRM system. Additional components include OCE Digital and OCE Optimizer.

How long does a training course for IQVIA OCE Personal take?

The duration of the training depends on the number of processes and modules used. For end users, the training usually lasts 1-2 days.

What is OCE Personal?

OCE Personal, or OCE-P for short, is a CRM solution from IQVIA for the life sciences market. It is based on the Salesforce platform, is preconfigured for industry processes and includes an offline client for the sales force.

What is OCE Digital?

OCE Digital, OCE-D for short, is a marketing automation solution for the life sciences industry. It supplements OCE-P with omnichannel functions based on the Salesforce Marketing Cloud.

Your contact person

Are you interested in our services and would like more information? Then please contact us. We are looking forward to your inquiry!

Bernd Carstens

Account Manager
+49 551 383 98 32

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