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Ask Sycor

What are the most common errors and deficits in ERP validation? On-premises, cloud or hybrid - which usage model is right for our business? How can my company archive digital documents with legal compliance? How long does it take to implement SAP S/4HANA? What advantages does SAP S/4HANA offer companies and users after the changeover? How do we obtain a 360° view of all customers and other business units via a single point of truth? With which CRM system do we achieve an individual customer experience for our customers? What do I need to consider when changing my ERP system to the cloud? How can I optimize my SAP licensing model? How can we use change management to increase the success of our IT projects? Which user-friendly collaboration tools can our employees use to collaborate virtually and efficiently? How can I avoid under or over licensing? What benefits does the SAP Cloud Platform bring to my company?
  • Ask us your question and receive fast, uncomplicated, and competent answers  from our IT experts
  • Our competencies range from ERP, supply chain, and customer processes to IT security, workplace, data center, and cloud services
  • More than 1,600 medium-sized and larger companies already trust us


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Denis Reinartz 

Head of Business Development 
Infrastructure & Cloud Solution
+49 551 490 2496

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Markus Heinze

Head of Business Development Unit Manufacturing & Commerce
Microsoft Dynamics 365
+49 551 490 2612

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Carsten Werner

Sales Manager
Microsoft Dynamics 365
+49 551 490 28 12

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Udo Burbrink

Head of Business Unit
Microsoft Dynamics

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Alexander Osterbrink

Head of Business Unit Commercial Excellence
+49 551 383 98 12

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Richard Hesse

Head of SAP Cloud Solutions
+49 551 490 28 57

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Dietmar Lohr

Senior Management Consultant
+49 551 490 2026

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Jörg Lüthge

Business Development 
Rental & More – Sales
Microsoft Dynamics 365
+49 551 490 2235

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