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RISE with SAP and Grow with sap
This is how the holistic transformation of your company succeeds

"RISE with SAP“ and 
„GROW with SAP"

Successful cloud migration and sustainable growth


RISE with SAP contains all the components you need for a holistic transformation of your company.  SAP's offer simplifies the move to the cloud and S/4HANA, because you only need to sign one contract with SAP to use the software and one with Sycor for additional services and add-ons.  Let us focus your IT, simplify digitalisation and thus optimise your business success.

The highlights

Moving to the Cloud

Simplify the transition to the Cloud with a subscription model

Manage companies in real time

Better analysis possibilities based on an even larger database

Reduce the complexity of the ERP

Simplification of the overall system through bundled operation of the ERP solution  

Easily use SAP Business Portfolio

Access to the SAP Business Network as well as included test possibilities for the best practice offers

Rethinking business processes

RISE with SAP gives you the opportunity to rethink your business processes - at your own pace. You decide which module you want to start with and which process adjustments you want to make and when. It is advisable to redefine processes directly when switching to S/4HANA. But with RISE with SAP, the options for customisation are also available to you after the switch.

Technical implementation

Migrate your systems to the cloud. For this, the SAP S/4HANA Cloud is available to you in the Private Cloud Edition or as Public Cloud. You can decide which hyperscaler you want to use.  The SAP Business Technology Platform also enables new digitalisation and networking possibilities, so that you can, for example, connect your machines with each other and thus pave the way to an intelligent company.

Intelligent company

An intelligent enterprise is an organisation that not only has its own concerns in mind, but also includes information from the entire business network in its actions. To achieve this, the data must be integrated into the organisation's own information system. RISE with SAP offers the solution for holistic information processing with the SAP Business Technology Platform and the SAP Business Network Starter Pack.

GROW with SAP: Cloud ERP for SMEs

GROW with SAP offers SMEs a comprehensive solution to make their business processes more efficient and promote sustainable growth.

What is GROW with SAP?

GROW with SAP combines the benefits of SAP S/4HANA Cloud, Public Edition with proven industry best practices. It offers pre-configured processes that companies can use immediately to optimize their business processes. The solution also includes services, community access and learning opportunities to cover all your needs as you grow.

Why GROW with SAP?

  • Cost efficiency: By using preconfigured processes and best practices, companies can achieve results faster.
  • Scalability: The solution grows with the company and offers the flexibility to adapt to changing requirements.
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) and automation: Embedded AI functions enable fast and precise decisions.

Which offer suits my company - the most important differences

1. Customers choose GROW with SAP if:

  • You are a mid-sized company looking for an out-of-the-box cloud ERP solution.
  • Your budget is limited and you prefer a cost-effective option.
  • You want quick results without having to make extensive customizations.
  •  You want to be part of the GROW with SAP community to learn from best practices and experts.

2. Customers choose RISE with SAP if:

  • They are already using SAP products and want to migrate to SAP S/4HANA Cloud.
  • They have complex implementation requirements and need a highly customizable solution
  • They want additional cloud migration services to ease the transition.
  • You want to retain control of your solution and innovate at your own pace.

Overall, the choice between RISE and GROW with SAP depends on a company's individual requirements, budget and pace of innovation. Both options offer unique benefits depending on the company's priorities and goals. We are here to support you.

SAP Services

SAP S/4HANA greenfield project

Our experts accompany your SAP project from the initial idea to the rollout and day-to-day support. Put your trust in more than 20 years of expertise with SAP for SMEs!

For your project

SAP S/4HANA greenfield implementation

In the course of numerous IT projects, we have accumulated an irreplaceable wealth of experience. We know exactly what it takes to make an IT project succeed. You too can profit from our knowledge!

Online consultation appointment

Your fast track to the cloud

If you have been hesitant about moving to the cloud, RISE with SAP offers you an easy way to do so. Transform your company too. Feel free to contact me about the details of the implementation.

Contact SAP Head of Customer Experience at Sycor

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Your contact

Are you interested in RISE with SAP and would like further information? Then please contact us. We look forward to your enquiry!

Michael Tilgner

SAP S/4HANA Solution Architect
+49 551 490 2701

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