Our experts make sure that your SAP systems are available around the clock.
Our qualified employees process your requests within established response times.
We provide ongoing security training for our employees.
Our team knows more than just operation, and assists you with incidents of any kind.
We provide 24x7 support for your systems on request.
We are happy to host your systems in our data centers located in Germany. Benefit from our customer-specific operating models that precisely meet your constraints. We provide our services in accordance with state-of-the-art technology so you can focus entirely on your core business. You are supplied with reliable IT from a wall socket – like electricity – without any concerns for you.
Naturally we also operate your SAP systems in your data center – irrespective of whether it runs in parallel to your existing SAP environment (sidecar approach) or as an application platform. We make sure that your employees consistently have access to a reliable, high-performance system. You benefit from our professional operating services based on the ITIL standard and proven standard tools, while keeping your systems in-house.
Our experts are also happy to operate your SAP systems in the cloud. We tailor our service level agreements to perfectly meet your requirements – whether your need 24x7 support or the standard support hours are adequate for you. Thanks to our regular reporting, you retain full control over the performance of your SAP systems and the scope of services we provide for you.
Basic operation of the server systems for SAP, including SAP standard reporting.
Basic services with integrated monitoring and SAP incident management (identification, qualification, and elimination of faults).
Standard services with included SAP fault processing, additional change management (updates to guarantee system security), and extended SLAs.
You are interested in our hosting and remote operation services and would like more information? Then please contact us. We are looking forward to your inquiry!