2021 - this year is still associated with special burdens and challenges for many people due to the Corona pandemic. Those who are already suffering are often hard hit. In addition, there were drastic events - also in Germany. For example, the flood disaster in the summer of 2021. For this reason, Sycor is continuing its annual Christmas donation campaign with the involvement of its employees. This year, donations of €2,500 each will go to the Göttingen Outpatient Children's and Youth Hospice Service and the DLRG - Deutsche Lebens-Rettungs-Gesellschaft e.V. (German Lifesaving Society).
As in previous years, Sycor is again involving its employees in selecting organizations to which the money is to be donated in 2021. They were thus able to name institutions they would like to support. Among the many nominations were many organizations that work to improve the living conditions of children. On the other hand, the employees were keen to help overcome the damage and effects of the flood disaster. Thus the choice fell on these two organizations, which can be pleased about an amount of 2,500 € each.
Swimming and lifeguard training, education about water hazards and water rescue services - all these are part of the DLRG's range of tasks. The floods last summer were of devastating proportions and thanks to the commitment of the emergency services, lives were saved above all. Despite the high season at the bathing places, the DLRG was on duty with about 2,500 emergency personnel in the flooded areas. The implementation of swimming courses for children even combines both concerns.
-> DLRG - German Lifesaving Society e.V. - Hochwasserhilfe
The Outpatient Children's and Youth Hospice Service (AKHD) Göttingen was opened in 2010 and is a contact point for families with children/adolescents/young adults with a life-shortening illness in and within a radius of approximately 50 km around Göttingen. It supports and accompanies the children as well as the parents and siblings. The accompaniment is free of charge. The AKHD promotes self-help, is a forum in which families in a similar situation can exchange information and network, and offers voluntary support at home. Volunteers provide long-term support, often for years, at the side of the affected family. They listen, go for walks with the children, play games and are contact persons for topics such as mourning, death, farewell and everyday life with a sick child. The Göttingen Outpatient Children's and Youth Hospice Service (AKHD) is part of the German Children's Hospice Association (Deutscher Kinderhospizverein e.V.).
-> Göttingen Outpatient Children's and Youth Hospice Service
Sycor is pleased to be able to make a small contribution again this year to support non-profit organizations in their important work with a donation. For Sycor, "We give IT a face" also means getting involved with others. In this spirit, we wish you and your relatives a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
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