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Sycor fundraising campaign 2019

November 30, 2019

Helping others is the best gift of all. Which is why we are pleased that we can continue the Christmas donation campaign of previous years once more. Sycor is donating a total of EUR 10,000 to non-profit organizations again this year.

Our employees decide where the money goes

As in previous years, the Sycor Works Council has pre-selected a short list of organizations. Choosing them is far from easy since there are so many projects that deserve support. 

Ultimately a list of associations that are involved with freedom in a broader or narrower sense emerged. 

"Viva con Agua de Sankt Pauli e.V." ensures that people around the world have access to clean drinking water, "Dunkelziffer e.V." fights child sexual abuse and child pornography, "Reporter ohne Grenzen e.V." documents violations against freedom of the press and information, and is dedicated to the safety of reporters and journalists.

All employees had the chance to co-determine the distribution of the total amount and cast a vote for their favorite. 

The donation distribution based on the results is as follows:

5.000,- Euro

Dunkelziffer e.V.

3.400,- Euro

Viva con Agua de Sankt Pauli e.V.

1.600,- Euro

Reporter ohne Grenzen e.V.

Sycor is pleased to once again make a small contribution this year, assisting nonprofit organizations with their important work. Because, for Sycor, "We give IT a face" means helping others.   

Have questions?

We are happy to help you if you have any questions. Your contact person:

Anja Werner

Marketing Manager
+49 551 490 2013

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