Our experts adapt the SAP system to your needs within the scope of the configuration options. We analyze your requirements, provide you with an overview of the available options, and help you make decisions.
Sometimes standard procedures and options are not sufficient. We offer in-depth customization when needed. Our experts can program custom reports and add-ons for you, so your processes are mapped in the system to your best advantage.
We integrate other solutions with your SAP ERP or SAP S/4HANA system. Our experts work with you to choose the right interface technology and implement it for your midsize company. This helps reduce media breaks and establishes a uniform database across systems.
Our experts have extensive SAP and process know-how. They work with various programming languages such as ABAP, Java, and UI5 and obtain regular, ongoing training from SAP. This ensures that we consistently develop and implement the optimal solution for your business. Not only are we familiar with the world of SAP implementations, we are also a Microsoft Gold Partner and therefore able to guarantee that your SAP applications harmonize perfectly with any of your Microsoft 365 solutions.
Want to learn more about Sycor's SAP implementations and services? Get in touch. We'd be happy to help!