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Career Starters
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Career Starters
College Students
All about the training
Application development
System integration
IT Officer
Career Starters
College Students
All about the training
Application development
System integration
IT Officer
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An education under different conditions (part 2)
Eaven and Christopher publish their survey results on the start of the 1st year apprenticeship.
An education under different conditions (Part 1)
Eaven and Christopher give you an insight into their start in training in the times of Corona.
Virtual training around the globe
Vanessa shares what her training around the world looks like at Corona times.
My resolution for 2021 - A more sustainable lifestyle.
Our collegue Fabian Kahle reports on how he consciously lives sustainably.
System integration or application development?
Ricardo and Nils compare their apprenticeships for you.
Digitisation. Reorganisation of the IT training careers
Raphail reports on the exciting reorganisation of IT apprenticeships and how they are changing.
IT youth games - Successful remote trainee project
Our trainees report on their successful remote event for students.
First aid in times of Corona
Rebeca gives you tips on how to protect yourself and others during first aid in corona times.
My start into the working life - Goodbye school!
Lara Meyer shares her entry into Sycor with you.
My training as office management assistant at Sycor
Dorina Bittner recently completed her training and reports on her time with Sycor.
City cycling 2020: Sycor cycles for the climate!
Also this year Sycor took part in the campaign "City cycling" - Sycorians report.
Training in the home office: Works differently
Rebeca Lopez Galvis reports on her experience with remote training over the past months.
Creating teamwork together with Design Thinking
Lisa Hartmann erklärt, wie die Methode Design Thinking der Zusammenarbeit im Team hilft.