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Implementing a new ERP solution: Steps to success

We show you: 

  • Why a modern ERP solution is indispensable for medium-sized businesses.
  • How to find the right ERP system step by step and how to find the right ERP solution for you.
  • How to avoid the most common mistakes during ERP implementation and provide you with a checklist for a successful ERP implementation.

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High personnel and financial expenditure as well as considerable interference in day-to-day business - these are the features that characterize the introduction of an ERP system. This is often a real challenge for medium-sized companies, but the effort is worth it. Modern ERP systems automate and integrate processes throughout the entire product lifecycle. In this way, they demonstrably increase efficiency and productivity in the company. You can find more details on this in our current whitepaper. You can also find out which steps are necessary for an ERP implementation, how to avoid typical mistakes and how to find the right ERP system.

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If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch.

John Bertolino

Sales & Marketing Director
+1 412 788 9494

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